Author: #MEAction


#MEAction UK interim update on JNNP complaint.

#MEAction UK has now received a reply to our complaint about the removal of our rapid response from the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry (JNNP).  ‘Thank you for your email. I can confirm that your complaint has been received and is currently under review by the Content Integrity team at BMJ. We will endeavour

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Photo of staff members smiling at camera on a zoom call.

#MEAction’s Summer Work Heats Up

Halfway through summer, we have so much to report about our immense, day-to-day work advocating for M.E., for you, and for each other.  On the medical front, our ongoing, grant-funded project with Mayo Clinic Rochester continues to transform medical education at Mayo. Together, we have updated the ME/CFS homepage, written a Concise Clinical Review article that will

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DHSC interim delivery plan on ME/CFS

My full reality: the interim delivery plan on ME/CFS is a great opportunity for the ME community to make our voices heard. Reading the interim plan and completing the survey is a big committment for #pwME so we have put together a document with advice on how to save your answers, a list of FAQs

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A red background with slight paper texture to it is displayed with Body Politic mustard yellow in a wave shape at the bottom. Above the background there are three white illustrations of forearms with hands in a fist rising from the bottom of the image. At the top, center is the text: We are stronger together. It is flanked on both sides by the Body Politic and #MEAction logo.

 #MEAction & Body Politic: We Are Stronger Together

Announcing #MEAction and Body Politic’s new collaboration: we are excited to announce that #MEAction will now host Body Politic’s advocacy work as a project of #MEAction. Many of you know that Body Politic’s support group has officially closed. This was a devastating loss to the community – we know so much of the Long COVID

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MEAction UK submits a rapid response to the JNNP in support of NICE.

Below is the text of MEAction UK’s rapid response submitted to the JNNP article that was published 10th July 2023. In the article ‘Anomalies in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis’ published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry on 10th

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MEAction UK’s response to the Guardian article 11 July 2023

MEAction UK is preparing a detailed response to the latest published paper attacking the NICE Guideline on ME/CFS. In the meantime this is the response sent to The Guardian in reply to their article covering the publication. MEAction UK was shocked to read the article ‘ME/CFS guidance that discourages exercise is flawed, say researchers’ published

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