Into the Light – An Artist book in a box, by Corina Duyn
The Artist book consists of a set of loose A5 sheets, gathered in a custom-made wooden box, reflecting on life with chronic illness seen through art and nature.
The Artist book consists of a set of loose A5 sheets, gathered in a custom-made wooden box, reflecting on life with chronic illness seen through art and nature.
Online art and health exhibition featuring extracts from “The State of ME” As part of London Creativity and Wellbeing week 4-12 June, The Well Made Project is hosting an online exhibition called A Series of Unexpected Events. ‘Over the course of a week, this online exhibition on art and health will publish an artwork by
We humbly ask for the community’s help to fundraise for a field worker in Auckland, New Zealand. We hope to set a precedent for the international community, providing a platform for other countries to campaign for their own field workers
Excerpted from Science and Popular Science A new test called VirScan would allow a patient to be tested for hundreds of viral infections at the same time. “To see if a patient has ever been infected by a particular virus, researchers expose antibodies in the patient’s blood to molecules with the virus’ molecular signature. In
Every Wednesday #MEawarenesshour is a set time to tweet and share stories about the illness, personal experiences, research, funding events, charities, artwork and poems on the subject, general awareness and hopefully put right a few misconceptions.
Contact your Congressional Delegation – Share Llewellyn King’s article and ask them to speak up for ME/CFS Please find your Congressional delegation by typing your zip code, then copy and paste the following text into the contact forms. [button_color url=”” content=”Contact your Congressional Delegation” target=””] Attention: Legislative Assistant for Health Please read the following article
Episode 3 of my 28 European Marathon challenge takes me to Finland! I’m running a marathon in every country in the European Union to help raise awareness and funds for biomedical research into ME.
I have learned to cope with M.E., a serious and potentially disabling chronic disorder, through art and creativity. Excerpted from The I remember reading articles on M.E. Awareness Day within the first year of being diagnosed with this debilitating illness. It was a story about somebody who had this condition for five years. I
The NIH Pathways to Prevention workshop panel will hold a press telebriefing to discuss their findings and answer questions from members of the media.
28 Marathons for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness and Research I’ll be running a marathon in each of the 28 EU member countries to raise awareness and much needed funds for biomedical research into ME & for the charity Invest In ME I’m aiming to raise funds and awareness for biomedical ME research across the 28 countries