People with ME and Long COVID are at the center of what we do. We fight for our community and strengthen our collective voice through strategic partnerships, mass mobilization, research, education and storytelling.

We build awareness and power to achieve effective and well-funded research, treatment, care, and support for all people with ME and Long COVID.


Our vision is a world where people with ME are believed, supported by systems that work and have access to effective medical treatments.




That ME is universally known as a disease that devastates the lives of millions around the world; that there is no effective care; and that there will be no effective care without massive investment in research and education. 

Robust ecosystem of research & care

That there is equitable research funding, a vigorous scientific field, and that the medical system is equipped to effectively diagnose and treat people with ME.

Thriving community

That the ME community is organized, mobilized and reflects the demographics of those affected; that people with ME have access to the education and resources they need to advocate for themselves and others; and that they are embedded in strong networks of support and friendship.


Cultivating new knowledge

We’re motivating a new generation of researchers to join the field through our outreach and fellowship programs. Our community-based research initiatives and white papers put the patient experience at the center of science and policy


We’re developing strategies, cultivating expertise, and mobilizing patients and allies to engage elected leaders and health officials. We’re demanding our governments make substantial and strategic investments.


We’re using technology to create spaces, events, trainings and collaborations that bring people together, foster connection, harness our collective creativity and knowledge, and develop leaders.


We’re engaging press and developing compelling multimedia education tools.

Medical education

We’re engaging doctors, nurses and other health professionals through scholarships and community-powered medical education initiatives so that we can encourage empathetic, knowledgeable care for all.

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