Author: #MEAction

a light orange rectangle with a burnt orange outline. in the box, there are orange flag garlands hanging in both top corners with orange confetti in the middle and at the top. in the bottom corners fall leaves. in the middle of the box the word, "OUR BOLDEST THANKS" in burnt orange. the #MEAction logo at the bottom.

#MEAction Shares Our Thanks for Your BOLD ACTIONS

During this time of thankfulness and gratitude, #MEAction staff wants to share what BOLD ACTIONS we are thankful our volunteers and community have taken throughout the year. We thought we could reflect together on all that we have accomplished this year and how every single one of us is important in this powerful community. A

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red rectangle. on the left side of the rectangle an image of a desktop computer that features the mepedia home page. the words "Live Now!" are stacked four times and fall behind the desktop image. on the right side of the rectangle, the words " check out the updated, expanded, and revamped mepedia! then there is the #mepedia logo with the words a project of #MEAction at the bottom.

Check out the Updated, Expanded, Revamped MEpedia!

Great news! About six months ago, we began a project to update, expand, and revamp MEpedia. Due to a generous grant, we were able to create a project scope, hire respected experts in accessibility and MediaWiki development, and make several important changes to MEpedia! Visit the New MEpedia MEpedia is a vital resource MEpedia is one of the most utilized resources for researchers,

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red/orange rectangle image with the words: Apply for 2023 appear in a gray round bubble that lays atop a white box that says NIH Conference Travel Scholarship. Under the box, the words new travel scholarship for providers and medical students to the (NIH) Conference: Advancing ME/CFS Research: Identifying Targets for Intervention and Learning from Long COVID, December 12- 13, 2023 Bethesda, MD appear. The #MEAction logo is on the left hand side of the image

Announcing: New NIH Conference Travel Scholarship for Providers and Medical Students!

#MEAction is thrilled to announce a new travel scholarship for providers and medical students to the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Conference, Advancing ME/CFS Research: Identifying Targets for Intervention and Learning from Long COVID, this coming December 12- 13, 2023 in Bethesda, MD. #MEAction is providing this opportunity for one to two promising medical students

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Rectangle image with a burnt reddish background that features a black typewriter with lined paper swirling up out of it. The words: “#MEAction Partners with Writers Guild Initiative to Offer Writers Workshops, Weekends in November” appear in black font. The #MEAction logo is in the upper left hand corner and the Writers Guild Initiative logo is in the upper right hand corner.

#MEAction Partners with Writers Guild Initiative to Offer Writers Workshops

#MEAction is excited to announce we are partnering with the Writers Guild Initiative (WGI) to offer creative writing workshops for people with ME and Long COVID**. WGI has graciously donated their time to offer these writer workshops through personal mentorship with the writers of the #MEAction community! The workshops consist of three sessions during the

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Red Rectangle: #MEAction logo on the top, with the words Advocacy Win! NIH announces they will designate people with disabilities as a population with health disparities! in white font.

Advocacy Win! Disability Partnerships Make a Difference for People with ME

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced they will designate people with disabilities as a population with health disparities. This is a win that could have a large impact on people with ME and the millions of people with disabilities across the country. “This designation recognizes the importance and need for research advances to improve

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red rectangle image with gold fireworks in each corner. #MEAction logo and the words, "State Chapter Success Stories" in white font in the center.

#MEAction State Chapters Are Making Advocacy Moves

#MEAction is thrilled to share the incredible work our State Chapters have been up to over the past couple of months! They continue to amaze us daily with their dedication and hard work to bring awareness to the ME community. Read more about their success stories: California:  The University of California has added some disclaimers

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a collection of millionsmisisng pictures featuring people protesting over the years in red shirts and with protest signs. white dashses connect the photos. the words words "the Story of the #MillionsMissing" is in white font in the top lefthand corner with the #MEAction logo there. The words "Coming Soon" is handwriting font is in the top righthand corner.

“#MillionsMissing is our drumbeat”

RSVP TODAY: We are hosting a preview party for the new, virtual Home of the #MillionsMissing this Sunday, September 24th, at 12 pm PT/ 3 pm ET/ 8 pm BST! RSVP & Get Zoom Link Here We have always had to be creative in telling Our Story – the story of M.E. – to the world

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JNNP to publish edited rapid response by MEAction UK.

MEAction UK have been in communication with the BMJ and are delighted to announce that the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry (JNNP) are publishing an edited version of our rapid response to  ‘Anomalies in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis’. We

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