Winners of the #MillionsMissing Art competition

We’re excited to announce the winners of the #MillionsMissing Art competition.

  • 1st prize went to CJ Janzen from Cambridge, Ontario who made two amazing songs about ME. Listen here:

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Song – Rough by CJ Janzen | Free Listening on SoundCloud
A Song For M.E. by CJ Janzen | Free Listening on SoundCloud

  • 2nd prize went to Alexandria from Vermont who made this beautiful art. She writes: “I am one of them. I thought I’d have a lifetime but now my art is all I have left to represent myself. Who I was.”

  • 3rd prize went to Kaia from Norway who knitted a pair of great #MillionsMissing wrist warmers.

1 thought on “Winners of the #MillionsMissing Art competition”

  1. Thank you to the people who left a message of kind words for me for the songs.
    Congratulations Alexandria and Kaia on the artistry that went into making your paintings/wrist warmers.
    We all craft in our own way. Though even that can be very hard on us, it’s nice when we ARE able to do these things.
    Thank you to the organizers and all the hard work put in be all the volunteers and protesters.
    We WILL find a cure!
    ~~ocean hugs~~
    Ms CJ Janzen

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