Severe ME Artist Project 2023 — Gallery
A collection of works by artists with severe ME.
A collection of works by artists with severe ME.
Welcome to the final #FacetsOfME for 2022, where we focus on centering ME during the holidays!
Welcome to August’s Facets of ME! If you are unfamiliar, #FacetsOfME is a new #MEAction feature this year where we take time to explore one facet or aspect of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). Sometimes it is a symptom and sometimes it is a unique aspect many of us face living with ME. So far we have
A collection of works by artists with severe ME.
#MEAction is excited to share a new and much-needed resource just in time for back to school! We are so thankful to have our allies at Long Covid Families join us in developing the Pacing and Management Guide for Pediatric ME/CFS and Long COVID. Access the New Pediatric Pacing Guide Our Pacing and Management Guide
#MEAction has been hard at work continuing to advocate to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on behalf of people with ME and Long COVID since our last update in May. HHS has been directed by the White House to play a leading role in coordinating the response to Long COVID and associated
Welcome to June’s #FacetsOfME! Facets of ME is an educational feature where we dive into a particular aspect (or facet) of ME and explore it more in depth. This month we are focusing on temperature dysregulation- heat and cold intolerance. It is surprising how difficult this symptom can be to manage until you experience it.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) has updated the information on ME/CFS provided at its Job Accommodation Network website to align with the most current CDC guidance. This action will help workers and employers find accurate information on ME/CFS and combat stigma and improve workplace outcomes. At #MEAction’s recent meeting
After taking #MEAction’s photography workshop with photographer Lucia Doynel for #MillionsMissing, Terra Dumont produced these stunning photos as a glimpse into her life as someone living with ME/CFS. Terra spread this experience over 7 days, focusing on a different theme each day. See her wonderful work and accompanying commentary below. Click on any of the
RETURN TO PART 1 OF THIS SERIES HERE ME/CFS ON THE ITALIAN TV SCREEN: A VIRTUOUS MODEL by Giada Da Ros Through sundry television spaces (news, fiction, talk shows), the ME/CFS community challenged existing political, medical, and philosophical approaches to the illness (and to maladies in general). The community sought to re-appropriate the discourse, fight