10,000 signatures for more research funding in the UK!

Calling all British M.E. sufferers & allies,
Inspired by our American friends and the progress that has been made over in the States with government funding and new research projects, we think it’s time for patients to put the pressure on the UK parliament. We are asking for an increase in budget to fund bio-medical research as well as the formation of a work group to represent the issues facing our community in government.
Although only British citizens or UK residents have the right to sign, we think that with over 250,000 diagnosed M.E. sufferers and many more undiagnosed cases, as well as our families, friends, and M.E. allies, we can hit the 10,000 signature requirement for the government to respond to this petition.
Let’s do this!


1 thought on “10,000 signatures for more research funding in the UK!”

  1. We need more research! Too many suffering in silence and kept out of work and on benefits. This then causes depression.

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