#MEAction U.S. State Chapters have a BIG Vision for ME! Find Out What is Happening in Your State.

#MEAction is fighting to end the crisis of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and create an equitable world for people with ME. We know that we must fight at every level to make this happen. #MEAction U.S. State Chapters are dug in and working to change the landscape of ME in their home states, and create a ripple effect across the U.S.

#MEAction California is fighting to institute a statewide Center of Excellence program to bring treatment and research to its residents, while #MEAction Colorado has undertaken the tedious legwork of asking the international Rotary Club to vote on a resolution for ME.

#MEAction expanded its U.S. State Chapter program this past summer with the ultimate goal to build an advocacy network in all fifty States to more effectively reach our local communities and advocate for national legislation.

Our State Chapter landing pages are now live! Read about the ongoing work, accomplishments and advocacy vision in your State. Get involved in your State’s advocacy efforts, or pass on these links to healthy allies!


Our State leaders have BIG ideas! 

In the past few months, we have highlighted the work and vision of our California and Colorado State Chapters.

#MEAction California is fighting to gain legislative support for the State to institute a statewide Centers of Excellence program to train ME specialists, provide treatment for people and conduct research. Activists across the state have already met with 24 state legislators to discuss this initiative, and working with Stanford and the University of California to support the program! Read more.

#MEAction Colorado activist, Jim Lutey, introduced a resolution for ME before the Rotary Club to encourage research, education and funding. He got it passed at his local chapter. Then, he took it to his district chapter, which includes all of Wyoming, north central Colorado, and a bit of Nebraska and Idaho. The district chapter will now submit the resolution to the Rotary International Council on Resolutions with a final vote in November. We hope the Rotary Club will fight as vigorously for ME as they did for the Polo virus! Read more.

#MEAction Colorado is fighting for Rotary International to pass a resolution for ME.

Our State chapters act as laboratories to incubate new ideas for advocacy and outreach: successes in one state can be shared and propagated across the country.

We are thrilled by the dedication of our State Chapters but they need your help, and the support of your network. Get involved today!


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