Fundraiser: #MillionsMissing needs your help!

On May 25, 2016, #MEAction is sponsoring a community-organized protest at Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) across the country, and in cities all over the world.

As a community, we are bowled over by the response.  The protest started as a single effort in Washington, D.C., but as of today there will be organized protests in:

We are still looking for people to organize in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Kansas City, and Denver — imagine the power in saying that every regional HHS office in the United States was included in the protest!
We released the #MillionsMissing Protest Demands, with four main goals for the future of ME/CFS in the U.S.:

  1. Increase research funding and program investments for ME/CFS commensurate with the severity of the disease: $250 million per year.
  2. Accelerate clinical trials for ME/CFS (there are no current FDA-approved medications for the disease).
  3. Disseminate accurate medical education and clinical guidelines to end the spread of harmful, erroneous information about ME/CFS.
  4. Provide HHS leadership, oversight and a serious commitment to urgently address ME/CFS.

We have finished our press release to help educate the press about ME/CFS and the issues we face as a community.

This is our fight for change.  Can you help?

If the goals of the #MillionsMissing protest are important to you, we hope you will be able to donate to the cause.  Every little bit helps!
You can donate by clicking on the link below:

Despite our physical debility, we are a vibrant, strong community with a lot of fight in us!  Thank you for sharing your passion and commitment to ME/CFS.
Note: to donate to the protest, use the button above.  To donate to #MEAction as a whole, use the button below the article.
Thank you so much!

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