Sign a petition to Reinstate Federal Research Funding for ME/CFS

Help Find a Cure for Whitney Dafoe and others like him!
Hearing that funding has been reduced to nothing is heartbreaking. Please hear out these words from something who is suffering, and help him:


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A classroom of people watching a panel discussion.

The RECOVER-Treating Long COVID (RECOVER TLC) The Path Forward

The RECOVER-Treating Long COVID (RECOVER TLC) Kick-off Meeting was Sept 23-25 in person and over Zoom. I had the privilege of attending over Zoom and Jaime Seltzer, #MEAction’s Scientific Director, represented the needs of the ME community in person and as an invited member of a panel on clinical trial design. There were many speakers

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greyish rectangle image with the words: #MEAction is Excited to Announce: Pillow Writers Anthology Issue 1: Near-Life Experiences. In a small grey square the words Get Your Copy Today! with a black line underneath. On the right hand side of the square is the image of the book cover that has a water color of flowers. the #meaction logo is at the bottom of the image.

Pillow Writers Anthology, Issue 1: Near-Life Experiences Available Now!

The Pillow Writers Anthology, Issue 1: Near- Life Experiences is a new literary magazine in the disability community. This inaugural issue features poems, stories, and essays by 17 writers who call themselves the Pillow Writers. The Pillow Writers are an international group of writers living with the neuro-immune diseases of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and Long

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