Creative Fundraising Initiatives for #MEAction

At #MEAction, we work to advocate for and with people with ME. As a small and growing non-profit, individuals who create and develop fundraisers for #MEAction makes a HUGE difference for the organization. 

Here are some examples of individuals and groups who are creating their own fundraising initiatives in support of #MEAction. 

1. Starting Your Own Fundraiser Through #MEAction’s Website! 

People with ME, as well as caregivers have started their own fundraisers through #MEAction’s site and asked their friends and family to give to a cause they believe in. This is a direct and concrete way to raise money for #MEAction and a way to expose family and friends to information and resources about ME. 

A person who is using their creativity to spread awareness and raise funds is CJ Janzen.  She is using her talents in music and speech to share awareness and raise funds for #MEAction. View their individual fundraiser here. Also, feel free to follow them on social media: TIkTok and Instagram.

2. Hosting an Event!

BlueSunday is hosting a Tea Party for ME! This event has continually supported #MEAction with its event and it’s so much fun! People participate by sharing photos of their own tea parties and commenting on one another’s posts online. They donate the price of tea and a treat to an ME charity. You can donate to #MEAction here. For more information click here.

We have a bonus of those in the Atlanta area being able to purchase delicious tea party treats at a local bakery donating the proceeds to #MEAction!

Another event that supports #MEAction is screenings of Unrest. April Thompson is hosting a screening and raffle in Washington, DC with an in-person and virtual option and donations will be shared between #MEAction and OMF. Buy a ticket to the event or join in the raffle. If you are attending virtually rather than in-person, use the code VIRTUAL for half off the in-person rate ($10) – virtual attendees will be sent a private link to watch at home with a week’s time to watch. This film fueled so much of #MEAction’s original activism and still helps to educate family and friends to this day!

3. Buying #MEAction swag!

You can support #MEAction by purchasing #MEAction’s own shirts and wearing them proudly in online and in-person activism and advocacy. We are currently highlighting our Still Sick Still Fighting shirt for #MillionsMissing 2023. You can also get other #MEAction branded shirts.

4. Getting Creative

We love it when people get creative and share their art, imagination, and fun with the community in whatever way! Many individuals are using these talents to raise money and awareness for our cause. Read about Bethany’s journey here! 

Collaborations and new awareness campaigns are a great way to educate and empower individuals. A new campaign for 2023 is #GoBLUEforMECFS. They have a Facebook page and a toolkit with social media squares to share leading up to May 12th. They are also recommending people give to #MEAction during their campaign and we appreciate their recognition.

#MEAction is always grateful for whatever support individuals can give and are always appreciative when people find new ways to help support our organization. We also recognize that not everyone is able to donate or start their own fundraiser. Sharing these fundraisers or others you see online, can really make a difference.

To everyone, we can’t thank you enough for your support! Every little bit helps us reach our goals and continue to fight with and for people with ME!


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red rectangle with a background filled with layered red hearts. The MEAction logo and the Nourish Therapeutic Yoga logo at the top. The words Modified Movement Class in white script font. Below that in white lettering, friday, february 14th at 11am 2pm7pm

A Heart-filled Very Modified Movement Class on 2/14

♥️ Join #MEAction for a heart-filled, very modified movement class of the year on Friday, February 14th at 11am PST/2pm EST/7pm GMT. ♥️This class has been crafted specifically for people with ME. This 30 minute class will be hosted virtually. We are thrilled to partner with Shannon Williams-Bramburger of Nourish Therapeutic Yoga, who has been

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