Register for the IACFS/ME Conference

Join IACFS/ME, the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and people with ME, supporters, clinicians, and researchers for the 2021 IACFS/ME Virtual Conference, held August 19-21, 2021. Attendees will have access to three days of virtual workshops, lectures, and updates on recent developments in ME/CFS research. 

Some of the conference events include:

  • “Orthostatic Intolerance and CFS/ME,” Blair Grubb, MD (University of Toledo)
  • NIH Grant Writing Workshops led by Dr. Vicky Whittemore and Dr. Joseph Breen of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Virtual poster sessions
  • “ME/CFS and Long-COVID: Overlapping or Distinct Entities?”, Dr. Avindra Nath (NIH, NINDS) and a subsequent Q&A session

Register before August 12 to receive 25% off! Registration (with 1-day and 3-day options) and more information are available at the conference website

#MEAction will post links to videos and webinars here when they become widely available.


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