Become a Social Media Ambassador for #MEAction!

We are so excited to announce a new volunteer program at #MEAction! We will now have social media ambassadors! A social media ambassador is a volunteer who is knowledgeable, an enthusiastic supporter of the ME community and #MEAction, and has a strong social media presence. Each ambassador will amplify #MEAction’s social media efforts and share news back with #MEAction’s social media teams to make sure we are hearing the community voice. Most ambassadors will focus on one platform but it is totally up to them if they choose to do more.
As social media platforms change how they share content, it is becoming necessary to be more creative in order to make sure you see content from #MEAction. One thing you can do to make sure we show up on your social media platform is to interact with us!   Like/ Comment / Share!
Social media ambassadors will help by sharing our content where the ME community gathers on social media. It is a way to work around algorithms set up for business but not with nonprofits in mind. We do not have the advertising budgets many businesses have to boost content and make sure it is seen. While we certainly hope that all of you are a social media ambassador for #MEAction in your social circle, we are excited to have a new set of ambassadors to volunteer for this important work!
A social media ambassador speaks in their own voice. They do not speak for #MEAction. They can choose what to amplify and we ask that they put their health first. They can work when able and on their own timetable. So when you hear from one of our social media ambassadors you are hearing from that one person’s perspective. They will use their own page/account to share information. On Facebook they can post in groups. They will work with #MEAction behind-the-scenes as well to make sure that we hear what many in our community are saying. However, just because you discussed it with an ambassador, please do not assume we have heard it! We will do our best but writing to us at [email protected] is still the best avenue to speak to us!
If you are interested in becoming a social media ambassador or social media volunteer for global or US social media, please contact our social media coordinator at [email protected].

Announcing our first social media ambassador

Now for the extra exciting news! We have our very first social media ambassador for #MEAction! Bettie Hough from the UK has kindly agreed to take on this new role. Bettie has a passion and drive to share news with and from the community. She has done wonderful work with #MEActionUK’s Facebook page and #MillionsMissingUK, as well as many other pages and groups.
Since Bettie will be a social media ambassador, she will be stepping down as admin for #MEActionUK Facebook. It will be run by #MEActionUK volunteers & coordinator. (Look for all #MEActionUK official posts here!) Bettie Hough will maintain #MillionsMissingUK as her own personal page. These two pages are entirely separate and will be run by different people. We hope you will enjoy following both!
Also, make sure to follow #MillionsMissing Scotland as they are the broadcast page for #MEActionScotland.
We would like to thank all of our social media volunteers that help to keep our community informed and growing! A big thank you to Bettie Hough for being our first social media ambassador!

Follow all our #MEAction pages

We encourage everyone to like and follow our global #MEAction pages here:
We also have affiliate pages here:
#MEActionAustralia Facebook:
#MEActionUK Facebook:
#MEActionScotland Facebook:
#MEActionUSA Facebook:
Australia twitter
UK twitter:
Scotland twitter:


5 thoughts on “Become a Social Media Ambassador for #MEAction!”

  1. Hi,
    I am a member of MEaction, SMCI, OMF and have had ME for over 15 years.
    I do not do social media but am very active advocating for more funding , research and knowledge of our disease. I have recently been pushing my Congressman (Jared Huffman) to support our cause through signing letters to HHS and, in general, to be more aware and pro-active. Yesterday, I received assurances through one of his field reps that he has agreed to sign on to the most recent letter to HHS. This is a big step because he did not agree to sign a similar letter earlier this year.
    I also am leaving my present HMO, Kaiser. Because of my frustration with them, I am writing letters to my most recent physician and also to a Kaiser executive explaining to them that they are not providing
    appropriate care to ME patients. They seemingly have no idea what to do with us.
    In any case, my plug to you is this; while I do not like social media , for many reasons, I will continue to advocate for my ME tribe in the more traditional platforms; email, letters, phone calls etc. I would be glad to get an official tag as Ambassador from MEaction but, regardless, I will continue my efforts to advocate for more awareness of our disease. All hands on deck!
    Mark Jaqua

  2. I am a member of MeAction! I partici cipate in Mepedia project, state and ME Argentina, UK, and provide a support group for MECFS members. I’ve done a fundraiser and currently doing my advocy in sending the PDF file of CE credits to my local hospital. I’m a ten year diagnosed ME warrior and want to be an Ambassador.

  3. I am a member of MeAction! I partici cipate in Mepedia project, state and ME Argentina, UK, and provide a support group for MECFS members. I’ve done a fundraiser and currently doing my advocy in sending the PDF file of CE credits to my local hospital. I’m a ten year diagnosed ME warrior and want to be an Ambassador. I would consider it an honor.

  4. I left a very vague ” resume” in my comment. Is there a format to show my involvement with MeAction to ensure I’m capable of volunteering for this honor? My day consists of sharing posts, making my MeAction binder available to Dr,s. I’m concerned I didn’t put in a good resume, and thought there may be a guideline to go by. Thank you for your time and information.

  5. Hey friends
    I would be willing to take the opportunity for the central southern state not sure if you are breaking up in areas or how you are going about that but I am central USA here in Arkansas. Let me know what you need me to do I’m mostly bed bound and do a lot on social networks and other out reaches
    Will do what I can to help
    Thanks wes

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