OMF receives a $5 Million Gift from the Pineapple Fund – Send a Note of Thanks

Early in January, the Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) was joyfully surprised by a generous $1 million gift from the Pineapple Fund, an anonymous bitcoin investor whose website states “because once you have enough money, money doesn’t matter.”
“Pine” said that he/she is “inspired and excited by the work” that OMF is doing and understands how devastating this illness can be. Pine said that “this is one of the most important research areas that Pineapple Fund can fund.”
OMF is overjoyed that, less than two weeks after announcing this gift, “Pine” committed to donating another $4 million to OMF.
OMF invites the ME/CFS community to join together to thank the Pineapple Fund by adding your appreciation to our online community-wide thank you card. Click here to add your message: Community Thank You Card


1 thought on “OMF receives a $5 Million Gift from the Pineapple Fund – Send a Note of Thanks”

  1. Thank you for your generous donation to help support the research and treatment for this underfunded disease. You rock!

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