Update on the Metabolomics Validation Study by OMF

Dr. Robert Naviaux has shared a preliminary summary of the results of the Metabolomics Validation Studywhich aims to validate his groundbreaking findings of metabolic features of ME/CFS that he published in 2016. The Open Medicine Foundation is funding the study. Dr. Naviaux reports:
“23 of 30 (77%) of the pathway abnormalities in males and females that were found in the ME/CFS1 study were validated in the ME/CFS2 study, despite large differences in clinical practice, and geography between the two patient cohorts.
Overall, these results add support for the conclusions of the ME/CFS1 study. The syndrome of ME/CFS results from the persistence of a dauer-like metabolic program that produces an energy conservation state mediated by a persistent cell danger response (CDR) to harsh environmental conditions, but at the cost of long-term disability.”
OMF will continue to share updates on this study.


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Town Hall Summary

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#MEAction’s Medical Flashcards Featured by CDC!

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