Use these incredible #MillionsMissing posters!

Recently, a #MillionsMissing artist has created a compelling series of posters for the campaign that illustrate the concept of disappearance from one’s own life with incredible eloquence.  Feel free to use this idea, or to make use of the posters below.  You are also welcome to add information to the bottom of the global versions of each poster.  Clicking on these thumbnails will open a high-resolution version pdf of the image.
In order to edit the posters or write on them in a way that aligns with their design, visit #MEAction’s style guide to download the fonts we use.

Thumbnail. Careers Global     Thumbnail. Careers US

Thumbnail. MillionsMissing Global     Thumbnail. MillionsMissing US

Thumbnail. School Global         Thumbnail. School US

  Thumbnail. Physician
The same amazing designer is also accepting your personal photographs in order to create haunting clips that will show the individual being erased from his or her own life.
Just as in your ‘I am missing…’ posters, please identify what it is that you are missing, whether that is time with your family, walks, dancing, playing a sport, or just being out in the sunshine.  A date is good to include as well (‘missing since 2013’), and where you live.  If the image you submit looks older and pre-smartphone-era, that may produce the most impactful clip.  Send:

  • Your image, with you in it
  • Your ‘I am missing…’ statement
  • The date you first became ill
  • Where you live

to [email protected], and the artist will animate your image.  The images sent will be posted to the @millionsmissing Instagram account rather than sent directly back to you.
Use the subject line #MillionsMissing Animation Request so that the artist knows what your email is about.  The artist is only accepting projects of the kind described above.  Please do not send her other requests.
Thank you to all the amazing artists, designers, and slogan-creators who have donated their time and creative energies to the #MillionsMissing campaign!


8 thoughts on “Use these incredible #MillionsMissing posters!”

  1. Hello,
    I have ordered a T-shirt and will use the Millions Missing poster on my personal FB page. Emerge Australia will also be promoting this campaign locally.
    Although I am recovered from ME/CFS, the campaign has a particular poingnancy for me as President of Emerge Australia – for people with ME/CFS and associated conditions – as it includes my surname!
    Good luck with the campaign,
    Sally Missing

  2. Thank you so much! These are so great!
    fwiw, I tried to save and post on facebook, but fb won’t let you post an image more than 4mb (this is 8mb) or if it isn’t in JPG, PNG or TIFF. I would convert it, but am really sick right now. If possible, can you convert and post here? Thanks for your consideration!

    1. Justin, try saving the image that’s shown in the article rather than copying the link location. I had the same issue posting images here — that the files were too large. If you just want people on Facebook to see them rather than download them, I would save the thumbnail as the image and post it. 🙂

  3. Hi,
    Instead of “HHS” could postesr be created for British users using “NHS” (National Health Service) & “MRC” (Medical Research Council)

  4. These are such wonderful posters! I submitted one of my photos for the project.
    Is it okay for me to use one of these posters and modify it with my image and text? I’m a total amateur with photo editing tools but here is my attempt (posted on a mostly unused tumblr account):
    I don’t have the skills to draw the white lines on top of my image to show that I’m missing. If anyone else can do that I’d be very grateful.

    1. I think it looks great! It’s definitely okay to make your own using a similar style and the same fonts.

      1. Thank you!
        I’m still looking for someone who knows how to draw the squiggly white lines across the person to make them look “missing” from the situation. I tried but between the primitive tools I’m using and poor muscle control it looks horrible.
        Also, I think I’m going to take off the last line (“since 1990”) and make it more general. I realized that this photo was taken some years after I first got sick in 1990. It was during one of my periods of partial remission (and denial) in the mid 1990s. I took a very slow hike for a short distance and then crashed.

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