Tanya is a remarkable young woman in desperate need of life-saving financial support. She lives in Adelaide, South Australia.
In her own words:
“My name is Tanya and I have been confined to a hospital bed now for most of the last 27 years as a result of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Crohn’s disease. I am unable to walk or stand and I haven’t been able to eat normal food for most of that time, over the last 8 years relying totally on a hospital-grade manufactured nutrition, called Vital HN. Taken by mouth, it has has kept me alive.
“Towards the end of last year I received devastating news from the pharmaceutical company that they had stopped making that formula. I am now in a desperate situation where I have only 4 weeks supply of Vital HN left, and several attempts made so far with the help of my dietician have not yet resulted in a successful replacement. Every formula I’ve tried has triggered a bad flare of intestinal pain.
“I am seeking to raise an amount of $20,000 to help me fund the search for a nutrition replacement to keep myself alive and for dietician and medical specialist expenses. I also need to pursue further tests and treatments that I have not been able to as I have no funds for them.
“Please help raise funds to help me move forward, in the hope that I can start to overcome some of the effects of my serious illnesses.”
Please visit Tanya’s fundraising site and share widely.

Press Release: Advocates Urge Administration to Reinstate Long COVID Advisory Committee
Press Contact: #MEAction: [email protected] Patient & Expert Voices Must Be Heard: Advocates Urge Administration to Reinstate Long COVID Advisory Committee #MEAction and the Patient-Led Research Collaborative – leading organizations advocating for people with Long