Announcement: May 18th Protest in Washington DC has now been rescheduled for May 25th!

#MEAction is excited to announce its first protest in Washington DC! Now rescheduled for May 25, 2016!

Please join us May 25th for a protest outside of the Health and Human Services building in Washington DC. Our goal is to raise the visibility of this illness and the people living with it.

Because of the nature of our condition, we can expect to see many patients in their wheelchairs, stretchers, or laying down. All patients are welcomed and we encourage you bring your family/friends/caregivers for support. In fact, we would like to emphasize that even if patients can’t attend, their support system is welcomed!

When: May 25th 2016 at 11am
Where: Health and Human Services Headquarters in Washington, DC
Why: Urgent Need to Increase ME/CFS Funding

The protest is being organized by #MEAction member Stacy Hodges. Stacy is looking to put a team together to plan and execute the flagship protest in DC, as well as satellite protests at HHS offices around the country. If interested in helping, email  [email protected].

If you are unable to volunteer or attend, you can also support the protest by donating:


Donations will be used to help cover:

  • A meeting room where participants can meet the day before to discuss strategy and the timeline of events.
  • Shuttle transportation for participants.  This is necessary because of the number of patients that can not drive, are in wheelchairs or that may need to leave the protest early and return to rest.
  • Signs/Literature/Printing Services
  • Equipment Rental (please see:
  • We are considering using donations to reimburse a fraction of the hotel costs for those that attend to make this event more affordable for unemployed/disabled patients.
This is an open source initiative and we are interested in your suggestions for improving this protest!
Do you have questions or are you interested in volunteering? Please email us at:  [email protected]

What to spread the word about this protest? Save these tiles to your computer and post them to social media:


5 thoughts on “Announcement: May 18th Protest in Washington DC has now been rescheduled for May 25th!”

  1. How will patients who cannot make it to DC be represented? (for example – posters, cards, other?)

  2. Please asked every ME patient worldwide to put themselves on under “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /M.E. 1400 listed worldwide and we need to find the next million that are missing, then get the billions in equal funding we deserve, similar to rarer disease called AIDS, and find cures.

  3. Would there be any buses with ramps available round trip from New York or Long Island.?

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