Category: Politics

Questions to Ask Prospective MPs About ME/CFS

In the next few weeks, candidates will be knocking on doors seeking votes for the upcoming UK Election. It’s important that candidates from all parties are made aware of the challenges facing people with ME and Long Covid. It can be a little daunting to be unprepared so here are some questions you might want

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senate hearing room image with the words, Historic Hearing on Long COVID in the Senate overlayed it. In the bottom left corner is the meaction logo and in the top right hand corner is the HELP committee logo

Historic Hearing on Long COVID in the Senate HELP Committee

The U.S. Senate HELP Committee held a historic hearing about Long COVID last Thursday to discuss advancing research and improving patient care. #MEAction contacted the press to alert them to the hearing, and issued a follow-up press release sharing highlights from the hearing, and explaining the connection with ME/CFS. Our Scientific Director worked behind the

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Image is a sky blue rectangle, with an image of the #MEAction Maryland's logo that has the words Maryland State Chapter over an image of a lighthouse. On the righthand side if the image are the words, Join #MEAction's Marylans's #HelpMESenator Campaign in black font.

Join #MEAction Maryland’s #HelpMESenator Campaign

We are writing this article to share some exciting news! On Tuesday, September 26, ME advocates delivered copies of the book, The Puzzle Solver, by Tracie White with Ronald W. Davis, PhD, along with information about ME and Long Covid to Senators on the Hill. The books were donated by an individual living with severe ME/CFS in an effort to raise

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A laptop on a desk displaying the PDF of the NICE guideline for diagnosis and management of ME. There is a cup to the left and a pair of glasses and some folder to the right. White text in a red box reads ‘Update on Scottish implementation of the NICE Guideline’ and the ME Action Scotland logo is in the top left.

An update on the Scottish implementation of the NICE guideline

As we announced in February, the Scottish Government has committed to implementing the new NICE guideline for diagnosis and management of ME. The first step in the process was a Scottish stakeholder review, carried out externally by consultant Blake Stevenson.  The report on the review was published in July and #MEAction Scotland supports its findings.

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Take action: graded exercise harming people with ME and COVID long haulers

#MEAction UK has sent an open letter to Matt Hancock asking him to recognise the harm caused by graded exercise therapy. We are calling on him to ensure all advice for people with ME, and those at risk of developing ME post-COVID, warns of the harm from graded exercise therapy. Join us by asking your MP to write to Matt Hancock too and telling them about your experience of ME.

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National Disability Voter Registration Week

National Disability Voter Registration WeekJuly 13-17, 2020 #MEAction is excited to participate in National Disability Voter Registration Week!  Let’s get people with ME and all people with disabilities registered to vote, educated about this year’s election, and prepared to cast our ballots! We have gathered resources to help make it as simple as possible as

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Danish Health Authority Refuses to Recognize WHO Definition for ME

The fight continues in Denmark for proper recognition and care for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Last March in a huge victory for people with ME, Danish MPs unanimously agreed on a declaration that will recognise ME as a distinct disease, remove it from the “functional somatic syndromes” category, and promote the World Health Organization

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Thank The Senate Resolution Co-Sponsors!

Thank The Senate Resolution Co-Sponsors! This past weekend we celebrated the passing of the bipartisan Senate Resolution, S.Res. 225, in honor of International ME/CFS Awareness Day. Now is the time to thank the lead sponsors, Senator Markey and Collins, plus the other 13 Senators who co-sponsored this historic resolution!!   Two Ways to Show Your

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Historic Parliamentary Debate Shaped by People with ME

Listen to the article:  On Thursday 24th January 2019 a historic debate took place. Over 40 MPs from across the political divide sat in the House of Commons to debate a motion on myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), with 27 making impassioned contributions on behalf of their constituents. Together they unanimously passed this motion: “That this

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