I have started a petition as I feel the general public need to be more educated on chronic illnesses. There is little to no awareness on the impact that a chronic illness has on those diagnosed. Not all disabilities are visible. This therefore, leads to under funding from the Government, a very negative stigma of those who suffer and a lack of help from doctors.
I have taken this issue to my local MP with a very personal letter that I wrote about my struggles dealing with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. You can read that letter here. I hope that if I can get a response and backing from my MP, I can then share the stories of others who are on a similar journey to me.
I believe the only way we can get the acknowledgement we deserve is by educating others about ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and other chronic illnesses. Lets stop the ignorance now.
The Year Ahead
As we embark on the new year, we are excited to share updates about #MEAction’s advocacy projects and community programs with you! While we focus on advancing support, research, and treatments for people with ME, we’re also closely monitoring changes to public health systems under the incoming administration, and will pivot as needed to fight
3 thoughts on “Acknowledge those suffering from Chronic Illnesses.”
Please help us. We are isolated and abandoned with no serious research or a cure in sight we are losing hope.
I suffer from igG4 disease. Fibermoyalga. Arthritis.Diabetes. my life is terrible at times I feel like ending it
I’m signing and sharing this petition! ME, Fibromyalgia and the other illnesses that they’ve triggered, have literally torn my life apart! I used to have a great career, was well respected in my field and had a life that I enjoyed and loved. Since falling ill with ME and Fibromyalgia, etc, all that has been taken away from me!
I’m too ill to work, my career down the toilet, rarely get to go out or do anything remotely interesting, I’m housebound by this illness.
I rely on carers for my day to day life, as can no longer care for myself. I also rely on the few, true friends that I still have, as many, including my own family, have all turned their backs on me, as I can no longer meet their needs, many don’t even belive I’m severally ill, even though several specialists have confirmed it!!!!
These illnesses have literally robbed me of my life, my independence and happiness, sometimes I wish I had some kind of visible scar or deformity, so people could see for themselves that I’m telling the truth. Instead, all they see is a woman who externally looks like she’s relatively fit and healthy, that they imagine to be lazy because I can’t do all the things that they can do.
Having no energy and feeling exhausted, yet “not looking ill” is immensely cruel for those of us who suffer, constantly judged by those around us and so very rarely understood. The public need to be made aware of these illnesses and how they affect us, and also that ANYONE CAN SUCCUMB TO IT!!!! ME isn’t a prejudiced disease, it claims anyone at anytime, especially those who are healthy! In many ways, it’s like cancer, yet everyone understand that and fights for those with it, due to the level of awareness of the public!
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