Artists with ME/CFS/FM/SEID Online Juried Art Exhibition

M.E. AGAIN – Art Exhibition

M.E. AGAIN is an online juried art showcase for those with myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic exertion intolerance disease. Selected artists each have their own page with their art, artist information and experience of and with chronic illness. This artist showcase will remain up from May 12th, 2015 to May 12th, 2016.

[button_color url=”” content=”View the Exhibition” target=””] Please go to for more information. Artwork titled “21 Years Undiagnosed Lyme” by Ms. Erin Fromkes ©2014


1 thought on “Artists with ME/CFS/FM/SEID Online Juried Art Exhibition”

  1. What a fantastic idea. I’d love to participate in future exhibitions… this particular series of my work concerning my chronic pain and illnesses never gets to see the light of day!

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