NICE guideline to be implemented in Scotland

NICE news for Scotland! Throughout the development of the NICE guideline for ME/CFS, #MEAction Scotland has been in regular contact with the Scottish Government about the change needed in Scotland. Now that the guideline has been published, the government has got in touch to involve us in a development.

What is the plan?
The government plans to create practical guidance to support the implementation of the NICE recommendations in Scotland. This will be a new process and they have brought in an external consultant, Blake Stevenson, to interview stakeholders and advise on the best way to do this for patients and professionals. 

#MEAction Scotland is a stakeholder and will engage as fully as possible with the process to achieve the best outcome for people with ME. The consultation will take place over the next couple of months and we will keep the community updated.

Why not The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)?
We know many of you might be asking why not create a SIGN guideline, the system that is used in Scotland, for ME? We asked this question too, but SIGN has said it could be years before they could realistically produce a guideline. The ME community cannot wait that long and we are pleased to see the government is exploring ways to implement the recommendations we already have from NICE.

To keep up to date with what #MEAction Scotland is up to, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram


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