Accessible Ways for People with ME to Get Involved in Racial Justice

Accessible Ways that People with ME can get Involved in Racial Justice

#MEAction has always focused on empowering and supporting our community. We know that many people with ME are wanting to show support for racial justice and it is often difficult to know how to engage from home. 

Here are some accessible ways that people with ME can get involved:

Social Media
Social Media is a wonderful way to amplify and share posts that draw attention to the work of racial justice activists and other organizations. You can retweet, share on your Instagram stories, and post on Facebook.

We recommend following the hashtags:

There are many different books that have been recommended over the past few days. Many books come in audio versions if it is easier to listen.
Anti-Racists Reading List #1 
Anti-Racists Reading List #2
Anti-Racism Resources Master-List for White People (Children’s books, podcasts, movies, it’s all here!)

Racial justice organizations and their allies are hosting webinars in order to learn and gain more information.
Black Lives Matter Web-series

Sign Petitions
National and local organizations are hosting petitions you can sign calling for justice for black people killed because of racism. 
Justice for Floyd
Justice for Breonna Taylor
Run with Maud

Donate to Organizations
If you are able, donating to local and national organizations can help support causes on the ground and allow the work to continue beyond the media attention.
Local Bail Funds
Campaign Zero
The Loveland Foundation
Black Future Labs

Reach Out Your Officials
Organizations in your city/region have been campaigning for racial justice for years! Connect with them. There are tons of local and national campaigns with email and phone call templates that you can use to put pressure on officials for immediate and lasting change.

We understand each action is not possible for everyone, we also know that any action can be powerful. We will continue to share new ways that people with ME can get engaged in racial justice. We encourage you to do your own research. #MEAction does not work directly with any of the organizations listed above. This information is a starting point for people with ME to begin to engage. 



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