Twitch Gaming Show Fundraises for #MEAction!

Rat Queens, a show on the popular Twitch channel, HyperRPG, is hosting a fundraiser for #MEAction this Wednesday, May 8th at 7pm PST. Twitch is a live streaming platform and anyone can watch and participate from their homes!

100% of  the proceeds will go to #MEAction.

Rat Queens (based on the Image Comic Book Series by Kurtis Weibe) follows Hannah, Betty, Braga, Dee and Violet on their medieval journey to save a town from destruction, and the audience determines much of the action!

The players will be playing a role playing game with dice. The Game Master “GM,” Emily Rose Jacobson, decides when the players have to roll to make their next move. The live, virtual audience can give the players re-rolls, tokens, create brand new characters to interact with, determine which two players work together in combat, and if their “baggage” gets triggered, all by making donations to #MEAction.

Emily Rose Jacobson says, “While the Rat Queens are a rowdy bunch of female adventurers, they all have big hearts, as do the ladies who play them at our RPG table! I’ve personally learned so much about ME over the past year, and I’m excited that we have the chance to spread awareness and shine a light for those out there. While we may be the ones of the stream, people with ME are the true focus of our Wednesday night show.”

And #MEAction’s Managing Director, Laurie Jones, is playing Violet!

“I’m excited to bring together two worlds,” said Laurie Jones. I love the work of #MEAction, and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. I’m very privileged to advocate for and with people with ME for treatments and compassionate care. I also love this beautiful, inclusive, and accepting community at Hyper RPG. I cannot wait for Wednesday.”

How to Watch: 

We recommend going to and making a profile earlier in the day. You can watch the show without one, but if you want to interact you’ll need to sign up. Click the box in the right hand corner to WARNING: The chat box may be sensory overload! You can also close it out before the show starts.

We are very grateful for HyperRPG for hosting this incredibly fun, fundraiser for us!

Do you have a new, engaging fundraiser idea? The sky is the limit! We are all in this together for the same cause – for health equality for all people with ME!





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