#MEAction plans virtual concert for May 6th: Submit your Art

Whether you are a musician, poet or puppeteer, expressing yourself through a body devastated by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is suddenly an impossible feat – and an improbable opportunity.
#MEAction is excited to announce the launch of a virtual concert called #Bedfest on May 6th to showcase the experience of living with ME as expressed through song, spoken word, poetry or silent expression in the form of a short video clip or photo. #MEAction will showcase the videos on our website as part of a virtual concert on May 6th, leading up to the international day of awareness for ME on May 12th when cities across Europe will hold #MillionsMissing rallies.
#Bedfest was inspired by meeting musician and ME sufferer, Kaeley Pruitt-Hamm, who has recorded an EP Hi From Pillows from her bed, which she will debut in May. As part of #Bedfest, Kaeley will re-release her music video, “Believe Her,” to include faces of people with ME from around the world.  
To be part of the re-mix of Kaeley’s music video, send in a still photo or 5-second clip of yourself in bed holding a sign that says #BelieveME or #BelieveHer by April 30th. Read about Kaeley’s journey here. 
#Bedfest is also inspired by Bedstock, a virtual concert where musicians performed from their beds to honor children who are stuck in their beds from illness.       
We welcome artists and non-artists alike to submit short video clips of yourselves by April 30th to participate in #Bedfest. Send them to [email protected]   

#Bedfest Submission Guidelines
  1. Performance must be done from a bed. 
  1. We welcome any kind of performance or song about the experience of living with, or being diagnosed with ME or ME/CFS. You may consider expressing the theme of not being believed for your illness to correspond with Kaeley’s music video “Believe Her.”
  1. Performance options may include, but are not limited to:
  • song (a cover song is fine)
  • spoken word
  • skit
  • poem
  • visual art
  • message (written, acted out, painted etc.)
  • silent demonstration (for example, filming a clip of yourself lying in bed with your eyes and ears covered)
  1. Time limit for video, 1-5 mins. We suggest you submit a video since #Bedfest is a virtual concert, but if you feel that a photo captures your expression better, we welcome that, as well.
  2. Along with your submission, include a little bit about yourself in the email (if you are comfortable), such as your age, how long you’ve been ill, city of residence, former occupation, your current hobbies, what is the first thing you’d do if you recovered today etc.
  3. Deadline for submissions: April 30th
  1. Use the hashtag #Bedfest to promote your video on social media on May 6th.

RSVP for the concert to let us know you’ll be participating on May 6th.


17 thoughts on “#MEAction plans virtual concert for May 6th: Submit your Art”

  1. What a wonderful idea. I will look forward to all the exciting expressions and connections through this opportunity. I’m not sure what I’d do, so many ideas. I’ll ask my supportive husband and Carer, Dave Stergo to join me with expressions. He’s certainly written many songs inspired by journeying with me. Look forward to sharing. Xoxoxox

  2. Ohhh wow
    What a brilliant beautiful idea
    I am in bed as I type this
    I would love to submit a recording but can’t do a video due to the poor light as i have hardly any light due to issues with my eyes
    Would that be ok

    1. Adriane Tillman

      Whatever you are able to submit is fine. We might be able to work with you to edit something, as well, depending on our capacity. Keep in touch at [email protected]

    2. Carol, if you have a caregiver who could assist you, what about doing a video in the dark? Could you use something glow-in-the-dark for the video? Or what about wearing something that blocked the light for you? Just trying to brainstorm some creative ideas with you. Other people suffer from your same issue so contributing something that recognizes the difficulty you and others experience I know would be meaningful!

  3. Question: Some time back I made a mixed media painting called “What Thursday’s Brain Scan Didn’t Reveal”. It was done sitting/resting on the floor, on a chair and with me taking a break every few minutes when standing at an easel. I wasn’t sure if this qualified for your program since I did not actually paint on the bed, just collapsed there or thought about where I wanted to go with the work while resting there. The pain was consistent, but I was not bedridden then as I am most of the time now.
    Since this work has been reasonably well exhibited, I don’t need the publicity. It’s merely the subject and the illness are one and the same – what I had to live with and through and should relate to multiple patients who’ve also been through all the “tests” in the book and then some, too. If it doesn’t suit your invitation, I’m sure it will fit in elsewhere. Thanks for your time.

    1. Adriane Tillman

      Hi Kate,
      Please send the mixed media painting for us to consider. I think it is okay to stretch the criteria, and I think your piece will be a valuable contribution for the community to see. Please email it to [email protected]
      Thank you!

  4. Cristina-Mercier Gouin

    I’m currently working on a poetry book related to my condition, but it’s written in French. Do you accept submissions in another language than English? I would like to read one of my compositions.

    1. Adriane Tillman

      Yes, we’d really like to display many languages. We’d love to have a clip of you reading one of your poems in French.

  5. I just read about this. I’m a published poet and have a choice of short poems from a collaborative chapbook aimed towards people with our illness or chronic health issues. I could read but don’t know if the length of the poem will attach to an email. I’m in a bad relapse right now so will try if I can get the poem read sometime before the deadline when my husband is home to film it on ipad then get together the information you need. Great plan!!

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