New Zealander's: Provide feedback to the Ministry of Health



The Ministry of Health (MoH) is seeking feedback on its update to the New Zealand Heath Strategy. Let’s ensure the ME/CFS community is heard – express your views on the forum now!

What you can do

The MoH is asking:

“are there health services geared towards your needs and lifestyle?”.

This is a great opportunity to let MoH know your personal experience with NZ’s healthcare services.
Any New Zealander can answer and it and only takes around 5-10 minutes. It doesn’t require you to create an account or do anything onerous.

Feedback guidelines

When posting feedback we ask that you please try to:
‒ Keep it factual – cite personal experiences with the healthcare system to support your view
‒ Avoid angry comments – the community has every right to be angry with the support they receive. However, angry comments tend to be dismissed quickly
‒ Propose a solution – ask for what you want (e.g. better doctor education, more research funding, NZ to adopt the IoM guidelines)

Let’s make the ME/CFS community heard!

Too often the voices of those with ME/CFS are not heard. Together we are strong. Please help us have a voice by (I) writing a short post on MoH’s forum and (II) sharing this action


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