The Brighton Wheel and the Brighton Sea Life Centre were lit up blue last night in support of ME Awareness. A group of ME Mums and Dad’s held posters from Action for ME for photographs that will be published along with an article on ME in the Argus newspaper. The photos were also circulated amongst the ME Community on Facebook. We are hoping with increased awareness from many buildings lighting up the night all over the world, that there will be more funding for much needed research for ME.
Pillow Writers Anthology, Issue 1: Near-Life Experiences Available Now!
The Pillow Writers Anthology, Issue 1: Near- Life Experiences is a new literary magazine in the disability community. This inaugural issue features poems, stories, and essays by 17 writers who call themselves the Pillow Writers. The Pillow Writers are an international group of writers living with the neuro-immune diseases of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and Long