New date for #MillionsMissing Scotland

Following the postponement of #MillionsMissing Scotland, the demonstration has been rescheduled to Wednesday 28th September.

#MillionsMissing Scotland will now take place on Wednesday 28th September, from 12.30-2.30pm. We appreciate this isn’t a lot of notice but we are keen to build on the momentum the event has already gained and to hold it while it will still be in the minds of the MSPs who have been invited. 

All previous plans remain the same. This event will be a smaller, more focussed demonstration than some of our previous #MillionsMissing events, as our aim is to directly engage politicians. There will still be speakers and performances, including Stuart Murdoch, lead singer from Belle and Sebastian, and up-and-coming young, Scottish musician Rachel Roberts, as well as space for people with ME to share their stories. If you would like to be involved as a speaker or performer at the event, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

Whether or not you can be at this year’s #MillionsMissing, you can help to make it a success by emailing your MSPs (if you haven’t already) and asking them to come out, say hello and sign a pledge to support people with ME. If you have already emailed your MSPs, thank you and don’t worry about updating them – we are contacting them all to let them know about the change of date.

A note on #MillionsMissing London
Unfortunately, it’s not possible for #MEAction UK to confirm a new date at the same time as Scotland. The planned venue, Parliament Square, is not discussing future logistics or accepting bookings until after the period of mourning for the Queen ends next week. The team is working hard to reschedule and will update as soon as possible.


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