#MillionsMissing 2021 Was Inspiring! Watch the full Videos Here

#MillionsMissing 2021 was inspiring, touching, moving, and impactful! 

#MillionsMissing 2021 was once again virtual but we could feel our strength in numbers, even though we are still not able to meet in person. And the community did not disappoint. You are amazing. Even if you were not able to participate this year, #MEAction always with you and for you. 

#YouAreNotAlone, not during #MillionsMissing, not ever. We know the stakes are high. There will be #MillionsMore people joining our community because of Covid-19 and we will continue to fight, to not, give up, demand more. 

#MillionsMissing 2021: You Showed Up! 

We had over 255 attend LIVE for our global #MillionsMissing event that took place on Wednesday, May 12th. Over 53 artists attended our first ever Artists Salon to share their art, enjoy and embrace the art of others, and be witnesses to the stories shared. 

Watch a recording of the highlights from our global #MillionsMissing event! Click on the image below:

The live, global, event, featured speakers:
Julia Miele, Jen Brea, Omar Wasow, Oved Amitay, Linda Tannenbaum, Michelle Pinedo, Ryan Prior, Terri Wilder, Wilhelmina Jenkins, Jaime Seltzer, Ben HsuBorger, Dr. Jennifer Curtin, Sian Leary, Charlie Wainwright, JD Davids, Jennifer M, Timbre Livesay, John Kelty, Mike VanElsakker, and Ashanti Daniel.

To watch the full 2-hour version click here! 

#MEAction’s Board of Directors and #MEAction Staff shared messages of support and love to the community this year:

#MillionsMissing 2021: Your Art Was Emotional and Powerful!

Monday, May 10th was a day filled with amazing art. Like every year before, #MEAction is blown away by the artistic talent within the ME community and the fact that our artists cover a wide range of mediums. You are a talented and brilliant community of people. We were able to spend 90 minutes with over 50 individuals each sharing about themselves and their art. #MEAction looks to host another Artist Salon in the coming months, specifically geared towards artists with Severe ME. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing with us. 

#MillionsMissing 2021: You Got The Word Out! 

Our social media impressions showed us that our reach was mighty! Because of your stories, art, and press outreach, we had almost 500,000 views just through #MEAction’s social media alone! That is nothing to scoff at- and by you sharing, by you getting the word out, that number increases exponentially! 

We’d like to do a special shout out to some letters to the editor including:

We had a few in Santa Barbara, California send it by one individual featured in The Independent Santa Barbara and NoozHawk. One published in Texas at The Free Lance Star and another in Nevada City, CA in The Union.

In the UK, we had a Letter to the Editor featured in The Herald Scotland, in addition to two #MillionsMissing organizers, in Leeds and in Gloucester, having articles written about their experiences.

#MillionsMissing 2021: You Shared Your Story! 

As always, you shared your story on social media. This action reminds us all that #YouAreNotAlone and reminds the world that the ME community is in desperate need of attention and action. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please continue to share, and we will do our best to continue to amplify your message. 

 #MillionsMissing 2021: You Organized Action Across the Globe

Since the pandemic has altered how we can show-up as community over the past year, this year #MEAction encouraged groups to host local, virtual events. We had a total of 16 groups host events that took place around the globe in 9 different countries! #MillionsMissing local events took place in the United Kingdom, Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Belgium, Australia, Denmark, France and the United States.

#MEAction UK Volunteers had a community chat, answering questions with local community members.

In honor of #MillionsMissing Week, #MEAction State Chapters worked with their state legislatures and local counties to spread more ME Awareness. #MEAction Florida had success with the Florida State Legislature passing a resolution marking the month of May as ME Awareness Month. On Wednesday, May 12th, #MEAction Colorado had a lovely tribute read to those with ME and long Covid read on the floor of the state legislature and throughout the week #MEAction Maryland had multiple counties sign proclamations designating May 12th as ME Awareness Day.

MEAction Georgia State Chapter Virtual Call
Colorado Proclamation
Florida Proclamation
#MEAction France Virtual Call

#MillionsMissing 2021: UK Volunteers Conducted Amazing Interviews! 

If you did not catch this on the day, #MEAction UK shared interviews with researchers, volunteers, and activists.  Find them all here!  

#MillionsMissing 2021: You Took Action!

You took action for #MillionsMissing by getting letters to the editors, by over 1,000 of you signing a letter to be mailed to the Surgeon General, by signing up for #MEAction’s Epi study, by decorating your windows in the UK, by your participation, by your donations, and by your love and support. 

Over 1,000 people signed up to participate in #MEAction’s study and it is just the beginning! Director of Scientific and Medical Outreach, Jaime Seltzer, announced the sign-up for this program during the global event… and we are getting close to 1,000 sign ups already! Take a look here for more!

Tweet of Window Decoration
Tweet of Window Decoration

#MillionsMissing 2021: You Reminded Us that #YouAreNotAlone

Over 40 people around the world participated in a wonderful community event called Gathround on Friday. We were able to talk with small groups of individuals and learn interesting facts like what is people’s favorite superhero movie or what memorable item is in their home. It is a wonderful chance to connect after a busy week!

#MillionsMissing 2021: You Showed Your Support!

We are just over 50% of our goal of raising $50,000 by the end of May to continue our advocacy work that gets press recognition, leads patient research projects, challenges the NIH and CDC, fights for research dollars, supports community, and amplifies local work. You helped us get to 50% of our goal and we are so incredibly grateful. If you have not had the opportunity to donate yet, please do if you can or share if you cannot (which we understand and support).

Many wore your #MillionsMissing t-shirts to get the attention you deserve! (And it’s not too late to buy one!)

You Inspire, You Motivate, You Activate!

This year, like every year, you make a difference. #MillionsMissing week is just one week out of the year where we fight for change. 

We have so many things coming up for you to watch out for! As US Advocacy Director Ben HsuBorger said, We cannot WAIT. 

While we know we have so much more work ahead of us, it is important that you rest. We did so much together. Tomorrow is another day.

With love and solidarity,

All of us at #MEAction


Latest News

red rectangle with a background filled with layered red hearts. The MEAction logo and the Nourish Therapeutic Yoga logo at the top. The words Modified Movement Class in white script font. Below that in white lettering, friday, february 14th at 11am 2pm7pm

A Heart-filled Very Modified Movement Class on 2/14

♥️ Join #MEAction for a heart-filled, very modified movement class of the year on Friday, February 14th at 11am PST/2pm EST/7pm GMT. ♥️This class has been crafted specifically for people with ME. This 30 minute class will be hosted virtually. We are thrilled to partner with Shannon Williams-Bramburger of Nourish Therapeutic Yoga, who has been

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