Black Lives Matter.

George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. Tony McDade.

There is so much pain, suffering, grief, and anger across the United States and around the world.

As healthcare activists and advocates, we have seen time and time again that Black individuals face discrimination not just in their doctors’ offices but in every aspect of their lives.

In the weeks and months to come, #MEAction as an organization will continue to share resources by activists and movements that fight for racial justice and equality, including listening to and amplifying the work of members of the #MEAction community who have fought for racial justice for years. 

At #MEAction, we know that: 

Our fight for health equity for people with ME cannot be fought without recognizing the systemic racism that perpetuates in our country and our world. 

It cannot be fought without considering the Black members of our community who have confronted even more difficulties and more barriers because of their race.

It cannot be fought without acknowledging that the ME community includes far more white individuals than Black individuals and other individuals of color because of systemic racism. 

It cannot be fought without addressing what is happening right now and has happened for centuries when it comes to Black lives.

Black Lives Matter. 

There is so much, as a movement, that we need to do in order to achieve equal access and equal treatment for Black individuals with ME. As we move forward, we will continue to build a more inclusive movement and stand up for racial justice always.

Our fight for health equality must be an inclusive, accessible fight for all.

With love and solidarity,

Jen, Laurie, Ben, Jaime, Erin, Espe, Holly, Adriane, and Hannah 

Anti-Racism Reading/ Watch Lists

20 Essential Black History Books

Anti-racism Resources for White People

Anti-racism Reading List

How you can help

26 Ways to be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets

How to Support #BLM in Every City

Self-Care Tips for Black People who are Feeling Overwhelmed

What you Can Do At Home:

Help make information accessible:

Racism and ME

Healthcare Providers Must Believe Women of Color

Ashanti Daniel explains why healthcare providers must believe women of color in her #MillionsMissing speech 2020.
Wilhelmina Jenkins writes Unseen: Black People Living with ME
by Dr. Lily Chu


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red rectangle with a background filled with layered red hearts. The MEAction logo and the Nourish Therapeutic Yoga logo at the top. The words Modified Movement Class in white script font. Below that in white lettering, friday, february 14th at 11am 2pm7pm

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