Hosting a Screening of Unrest? Learn How to Talk to the Press

If you are hosting a screening of Unrest in your community, you will want to reach out to your local press about covering the screening. Below are some training resources to help you prepare to speak to the media.
These tools were developed by #MEAction for the #MillionsMissing Day of Action in Sept. 2017 in collaboration with Unbendable Media.

  1. Media Training Manual

    This powerpoint presentation provides a general overview of how to speak to the press about the issue of ME, as well as key talking points on the disease itself. Topics include:
  • Interviewing tips
  • Techniques for interviewing for print, radio, television and Skype
  • Staying on Message
  • Making friends with reportersScroll down to see a few key slides from the manual. Be sure to check out the entire presentation to fully prepare yourself.
  1.   Talking Points on ME (US audience)
  2.   Media training call with Unbendable Media – Watch a video about the presentation instead of reading the manual.
  3.    Synopsis of Unrest 
  4. Unrest Discussion Guide
  5. Sample Press Release and High Res photos and more!





See the rest of the presentation here.


1 thought on “Hosting a Screening of Unrest? Learn How to Talk to the Press”

  1. these tips look excellent.
    i view our struggle in terms of the traditional framework of human rights. we are a /persecuted/ group. misopathy is its own sociopolitical phenomenon. it applies to many diseases. it needs to be among the phenomena that the human rights community recognizes, as a first-class citizen.

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red rectangle with a background filled with layered red hearts. The MEAction logo and the Nourish Therapeutic Yoga logo at the top. The words Modified Movement Class in white script font. Below that in white lettering, friday, february 14th at 11am 2pm7pm

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