I’m 22 years old, and it’s been six years since I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
Only a few weeks ago, I was a full-time college student headed for Dean’s List at a prominent university. Now, I’m lucky to make it out of bed, let alone write a paragraph.
I’m determined to find a more effective treatment. It’s been six years since my formal diagnosis by expert doctors in Miami, FL. Thankfully, much research has been done in that time, and I’m optimistic that, with a bit of help, I’ll be able to afford at least one appointment.
My mother is an angel, and she used to be able to significantly help me with medical bills whenever I’d need a new specialist. However, after over $100,000 in medical bills, she’s unable to help much anymore. After 61 years, she’s trying to step into a well-deserved retirement.
Unfortunately, I’m now short of the funding needed to seek a specialist who’s out of my coverage.
I’m hoping that anyone who has even one dollar to spare would consider helping me reach a brighter — and maybe, even less painful — tomorrow.
Thank you for even taking the time to read this post; it means more than I’ll ever be able to say.
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#TeachMETreatME: We Can’t Believe These Numbers
We tallied up some numbers from our #TeachME, TreatME campaign to educate clinicians and medical students about ME, and the results are fantastic! The campaign has been a herculean effort by #MEAction staff and our 16 incredible teams across the U.S and U.K., and we are beyond proud! And, the campaign is ongoing! You can