Category: NIH

Blue square image with starbursts in the corners. the words, submit long covid drug recommendations to recover -tlc! are in the middle of the image, surrounded by thin white lines. the meaction logo is at the top of the image.

Submit Long COVID Drug Recommendations to RECOVER-TLC!

Last month, RECOVER TLC met at NIH headquarters in Bethesda. The goal was to initiate a drug development strategy for Long COVID clinical trials. Now, RECOVER TLC has opened the RECOVER-TLC Intervention Information Request Form, where you can make suggestions about which drugs and other interventions to trial!  Anyone can submit a therapeutic for consideration

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blue rectangle image with the NIH logo in the top left hand corner. the words: NIH MECFS Research Roadmap Update Public comments open until March 8th appear in the middle of the image. the meaction logo is in the bottom right hand corner.

NIH ME/CFS Research Roadmap Update–Public Comment Period Now Open

The NIH ME/CFS Research Roadmap public comment period is open now with a deadline of March 8th.  #MEAction is a member of the ME/CFS Research Roadmap Working Group and for the past several months we have been advocating on behalf of this community within this group. Our Executive Director, Laurie Jones, served on the nervous

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A rectangle image with a blueish/purple background. The words, "A Year of Exciting Medical Education Achievements" is in white font on the left hand side with the #MEAction logo underneath. On the righthand side is an image of Jaime Seltzer with a step and repeat and poster at the SDMI conference.

A Year of Exciting Medical Education Achievements

A year ago, we were proud to announce that #MEAction and Mayo Clinic Rochester had won a grant for diagnostic improvement, with Ravindra Ganesh, and Stephanie Grach, and I on the grant as co-investigators. Our project, Improving Diagnostic Accuracy of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Through Implementation of an Enhanced Education Protocol and Care Process Model

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red/orange rectangle image with the words: Apply for 2023 appear in a gray round bubble that lays atop a white box that says NIH Conference Travel Scholarship. Under the box, the words new travel scholarship for providers and medical students to the (NIH) Conference: Advancing ME/CFS Research: Identifying Targets for Intervention and Learning from Long COVID, December 12- 13, 2023 Bethesda, MD appear. The #MEAction logo is on the left hand side of the image

Announcing: New NIH Conference Travel Scholarship for Providers and Medical Students!

#MEAction is thrilled to announce a new travel scholarship for providers and medical students to the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Conference, Advancing ME/CFS Research: Identifying Targets for Intervention and Learning from Long COVID, this coming December 12- 13, 2023 in Bethesda, MD. #MEAction is providing this opportunity for one to two promising medical students

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Red Rectangle: #MEAction logo on the top, with the words Advocacy Win! NIH announces they will designate people with disabilities as a population with health disparities! in white font.

Advocacy Win! Disability Partnerships Make a Difference for People with ME

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced they will designate people with disabilities as a population with health disparities. This is a win that could have a large impact on people with ME and the millions of people with disabilities across the country. “This designation recognizes the importance and need for research advances to improve

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NIH Extends Funding for ME/CFS Research Centers

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has taken steps to fix a “funding gap” in the timing of research awards for the ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers (CRC) and the Data Management and Coordinating Center (DMCC). The currently-funded research centers which apply, and are approved, for another 5-year term will no longer face a 7-month funding

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