Search Results for: exercise – Page 4

red rectangle image with gold fireworks in each corner. #MEAction logo and the words, "State Chapter Success Stories" in white font in the center.

#MEAction State Chapters Are Making Advocacy Moves

#MEAction is thrilled to share the incredible work our State Chapters have been up to over the past couple of months! They continue to amaze us daily with their dedication and hard work to bring awareness to the ME community. Read more about their success stories: California:  The University of California has added some disclaimers

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JNNP to publish edited rapid response by MEAction UK.

MEAction UK have been in communication with the BMJ and are delighted to announce that the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry (JNNP) are publishing an edited version of our rapid response to  ‘Anomalies in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis’. We

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MEAction UK submits a rapid response to the JNNP in support of NICE.

Below is the text of MEAction UK’s rapid response submitted to the JNNP article that was published 10th July 2023. In the article ‘Anomalies in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis’ published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry on 10th

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MEAction UK’s response to the Guardian article 11 July 2023

MEAction UK is preparing a detailed response to the latest published paper attacking the NICE Guideline on ME/CFS. In the meantime this is the response sent to The Guardian in reply to their article covering the publication. MEAction UK was shocked to read the article ‘ME/CFS guidance that discourages exercise is flawed, say researchers’ published

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Image features newspappers folder up and stacked together vertically. There is a red box in the center that has the words, Why We Keep Telling the Story of ME to the Press in white and the #MEAction logo in the righhand corner of the box.

Why We Keep Telling the Story of ME to the Press

Our press work continues to drum a strong beat as we tell the story of ME everyday to the media. We will continue to fight for our community’s decades of expertise living with, treating and researching ME to be heard, and integrated into our government’s Long COVID response. We refused to be erased from the

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A laptop sitting on a desk. In the background, you can see a cup and saucer, some post-it notes and a folder. On the screen is the Scottish Government's website, with a large title that says 'Scottish Good Practice Statement on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME-CFS).' A red banner is at the bottom of the photo with white writing which says, '#MEAction Scotland responds to the updated Scottish Good Practice Statement on ME.’ The ME Action Scotland logo is in the top left corner.

#MEAction Scotland responds to the updated Scottish Good Practice Statement

The Scottish Government published the updated Scottish Good Practice Statement (SGPS) on ME-CFS on 28th February 2023.  The decision to update the Scottish Good Practice Statement, originally published in 2010, was a result of the Scottish stakeholder review of the 2021 NICE guideline on ME/CFS, and its recommendations for implementing the guideline in Scotland. The

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A screenshot of Sue Webber MSP opening the debate on ME in the Scottish Parliament. Sue is a white woman with blonde hair. She’s wearing a flowery blouse, a dark jacket and a chunky necklace. The desks of the Debating Chamber are around her, and some other MSPs can be partially seen. At the bottom of the image, the words The Scottish Parliament debate on ME are written in black over a red box. The #MEAction Scotland logo is at the bottom, right hand corner.

The Scottish Parliament debate on ME

Article summary: Sue Webber MSP’s Member’s Business debate took place in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 2nd February, 2023. It was a successful debate with a good turnout of MSPs from across all parties, and it had to be extended due to the amount of MSPs who wanted to speak. There were calls on the

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