Your #MEAction guide to the holidays: with Pinboards!

The holidays are a stressful time.  Between gift-giving (and buying), travel, cooking, decorating, and guests in the home – not to mention winter colds, increased heating bills, and challenges in local travel like snow and icy roads – it’s no wonder that many people emerge from the hazy shade of winter completely exhausted. 

That goes double for all the spoonies out there.  When everyday tasks are a struggle, how much more struggle does the average person with a chronic complex disease experience over the holidays? 

In our recent quest to create a Postcards to Doctors Holiday Party Pinboard on Pinterest, we found a number of great resources for people like us who want to survive the holidays: preferably stuffed with good, non-allergenic treats and with good holiday memories under our (expanded) belts.

To that end, we created #MEAction’s first Pinterest Boards!

For those who haven’t used Pinterest boards before, Pinterest is a social media platform that allows you to save images from sites and group your links by topic.  A Pinboard looks like a page full of images, but clicking on the image will take you first to a page with more details and comments.  If you click a second time, it will take you to the site where the image is hosted.  In that way, you can have a Pinboard with pictures of delicious food, click on them and be led to the recipes that produce that delicious food. 

Here is what Pinterest looks like:

Screenshot of our decor board on Pinterest

We at #MEAction decided to put together some Pinboards to help gather some of the best links and ideas for people with chronic illnesses this holiday season. Check them out, and feel free to recommend new links and ideas for the different boards!

Click on each of the images below to visit the different boards.

You can also go to to view all our Pinboards.

Easy holiday decor and gift wrap ideas on a low budget

Delicious winter recipes for your holidays and to nourish you over the winter months

Crafty? Here are gifts you can make with household materials and/or on the cheap

Gift guide for people with chronic illness: take the stress out of creating a wishlist by guiding friends and family to this Pinboard.

Coping with the holidays: great resources for saving energy during this crazy time, low-energy fun holiday activities, and an upbeat guide to riding out the holidays on one’s own

And don’t forget the Pinboard for Hosting a Postcards to Doctors holiday party! (You can also read the article and download the one-pager here.)

Although some blog posts include ‘affiliate links’ and get paid, these links are solely included here because we thought that they’d be good gifts, good décor ideas, and so on.  We aren’t knocking those who get a little income from their blogs; that’s just not how we roll.

We also created a list of our best advice for weathering the holidays with ME.

Keep your eye out for #MEAction’s Guide to Weathering the Holidays with a Chronic Illness, Coming Soon!

From our #MEAction family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful, warm, and happy holiday!


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