Help spread the Bristol Cable article about #stopGET

On Tuesday 24th January a Bristol Cable article from the #stopGET team about children with ME, FITNET, MAGENTA and patient opposition to GET/CBT will go online.

  1. Share the article as widely as possible on social media.
    This is an excellent opportunity to get #stopGET petition signatures as the article will put the petition in context. (The cultural norm of assuming exercise is always good means that some explanation seems necessary for the general public).
  2. Add comments and replies with links to associated petitions:
  3. Up-vote article on Reddit: Link to be confirmed, will be posted by RedditTipsforME
  4. Share the Bristol Cable article or the petition links when you see Unrest and the TED Talk publicised. It would also be great to harness interest from Jen Brea’s amazing TED Talk and documentary film, Unrest, by interlinking different aspects of ME advocacy so new allies know a quick action they can take to make a difference. For example, 

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