MillionsMissing Policies
- Provide the use of #MillionsMissing branding
- Provide a toolkit including FAQ’s, how to host your first MM, ideas for visuals and much more (toolkit will be translated into as many languages as we can recruit volunteers)
- Provide options for t-shirts
- Provide new graphics for social, graphics for posters (posters will be translated into as many languages as we can find volunteers)
- Provide a US and UK demands (and options for your global events) so that your activism has even more of an impact
- Will provide a social media toolkit, with suggested posts, tweets, and stories.
- Will allow access to historical posters, toolkits, and graphics
- Will promote your event on our site and through at least one social media platform leading up to the event
- Will share your successes in promotional material after the event, and if indicated, share your signatures with the NIH
- Register on our website including
- As much as possible, participating in our outreach goals (sharing photos, using social media, gathering names for petitions)
- If in a country with an affiliate (US or UK) all proceeds raised during #MillionsMissing must go to #MEAction. Certain exceptions will be made to local charities that support individuals with ME. To apply for an exception, fill out this form.
- For countries without an affiliate, half of the proceeds will go to #MEAction
- Affiliate countries: US and UK must order t-shirts from selected store or #MEAction headquarters
- If non-affilate countries, if shipping is accessible to you from the above online locations, we encourage you to order from those locations. If you are unable, we will work out with event organizers from your region to determine best course of action. If you need support with t-shirts, fill out this form:
- If you do not wish to use the target of the NIH or the focus on UK demands, you of course, can come up with your own action. The #MEAction staff will not be able to assist you in coming up with an alternative target due to capacity.
- You may not actively promote anything that directly conflicts with our asks or demands (link to #NotEnoughforME).
- You must not promote yourself as a MM event unless you are registered.