Category: United States

The Virtual Choir is Back — Submissions now Open!
We are excited to announce that submissions are now open to join our next virtual choir! We have so enjoyed sharing your lovely voices with the world, so we had to bring it back for this year’s #MillionsMissing MAY. This year, the song we will be singing is True Colors as performed by Anna Kendrick

Facets of ME: Cognitive Dysfunction
Welcome to our second Facets of ME! This is an educational feature in which we choose one aspect of ME to dive into and explore more in-depth once a month. Our goal is to keep it understandable while still providing a great overview and links to even more detailed information. The facet of ME that

You can Still Help Madeline!
“Madeline” is a woman who has been suffering with a post viral syndrome for 40 years which includes Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and fibromyalgia. Madeline lives in British Columbia, Canada and she urgently needs your help. There is a need to seek alternative medical treatments due to the lack of coverage for treatments within the

#MEAction Continues to Get Press for ME
#MEAction continues to prioritize getting ME in the press. We are very thankful to be featured in USA Today, North Jersey, New York Times, Infection Control Today, Times-Herald and Well+Good, all in the last few weeks! Our press reach continues to focus on multiple audiences, including scientists and medical practitioners, the disability and chronic illness

NIH Comes up Short Once Again
No Increase in Funding in Latest Plan for ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced their intent to extend the ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center (CRC) program, first launched in 2017, beyond its initial 5-year lifetime. They have issued a $7.1M annual funding opportunity for the ME/CFS CRCs, and another $500K

Facets of ME
We are excited to launch an all-new educational feature – Facets of ME! We will be diving into the multiple facets of ME/CFS including symptoms, comorbidities, practical tips, and more. Our goal is to take the first Friday of each month and delve into one particular facet of ME in a way that is easy

#MEAction Featured in Infection Control Today Whose Audience is Researchers & Medical Practitioners
As you know, Adriane Tillman, has been working extremely hard, alongside her team of volunteers to get featured in the press and she has tapped into a new audience with her latest press hit in Infection Control Today’s article, “Long COVID Shouldn’t Have Taken Us by Surprise”, by Frank Diamond. This new audience includes researchers

NIH Long COVID research lacks clear plan to identify and track ME/CFS
MEAction has written to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) expressing our deep concern that the RECOVER Initiative research agenda lacks a clear plan for how to accurately identify or consistently track the onset of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) cases among patients with Long COVID. This is of particular importance because a sizable fraction