Category: Topics

Facets of ME: Cognitive Dysfunction
Welcome to our second Facets of ME! This is an educational feature in which we choose one aspect of ME to dive into and explore more in-depth once a month. Our goal is to keep it understandable while still providing a great overview and links to even more detailed information. The facet of ME that

Facets of ME
We are excited to launch an all-new educational feature – Facets of ME! We will be diving into the multiple facets of ME/CFS including symptoms, comorbidities, practical tips, and more. Our goal is to take the first Friday of each month and delve into one particular facet of ME in a way that is easy

National Disability Voter Registration Week
National Disability Voter Registration WeekJuly 13-17, 2020 #MEAction is excited to participate in National Disability Voter Registration Week! Let’s get people with ME and all people with disabilities registered to vote, educated about this year’s election, and prepared to cast our ballots! We have gathered resources to help make it as simple as possible as

ADA 30th Anniversary–Stories Wanted
The 30th of the anniversary of the American Disability Act (ADA) is fast approaching–July 26th. As a way to celebrate this momentous occasion, we are looking to share stories of how the ADA has positively impacted the lives of people with ME.We want to honor those who fought hard to make sure we have the

Status Update On #MEAction’s Congressional Work
#MEAction’s Congressional Committee team has been very busy this year. We want to give you a status update and alert you to an ongoing action you can pursue. Appropriations Since March of this year, #MEAction, in partnership with the Solve ME/CFS Initiative and MassME/CFS & FM Association, has been working to increase funding for ME/CFS
A tribute to ‘Bob’ – Robert Courtney, ME activist, fundraiser, researcher, and friend
Following the tragic death of Robert Courtney, some of his friends created the tribute below, and provided the message that precedes it. We at #MEAction are pleased to reproduce both here. We, some of Bob’s many friends, have put together this tribute to him. We do not think it is appropriate to discuss the circumstances
Voices from Sacramento: Janet Dafoe and Ashley Haugen
Some of you may know Dr. Janet Dafoe and her daughter Ashley Haugen through their tireless advocacy work for ME. Dr. Dafoe’s son and Ashley’s brother, Whitney Dafoe, has severe ME, and is the impetus behind their efforts to raise funding, raise awareness, and raise hell. These statements were read at the Sacramento California rally on June 2, 2017.
Julie Rehmeyer’s memoir is out. Purchase her book today!
“I read an early version of Through the Shadowlands while I was driving around the country, tent in my rental car, terrified that something inexplicable was wrong with me, convinced that I was losing my mind. Julie Rehmeyer’s book showed me that I wasn’t.
Shorter invited to NIH to share perspective of disease denialism
On Thursday, November 3, Dr. Maureen Hanson shared a screenshot revealing a planned talk on November 9th at the NIH by the historian Dr. Edward Shorter titled “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Historical Perspective.” Dr. Shorter has a long history of treating patients with ME with disdain and denial, as illustrated in an article he wrote for